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How can adults save for college education of a baby?

There are two main savings tools that adults can use to save for the college education of a baby that they love. A 529 college savings plan is a tax-advantaged investment vehicle to help save for qualified education expenses. When you contribute to a 529 plan, your money grows tax-free.

How do I save money for my Baby's college savings account?

Automate your saving as much as possible, such as setting up automatic investment options and contributions to your 529 plan. Minimize your tax by taking advantage of all possible tax advantages associated with your baby’s college savings account, and speak to a tax account if in doubt.

Should I invest my baby's money to go to college?

Your baby can still use the money to go to college anywhere. Instead, it’s important to consider factors such as whether investment options match your investment objectives and preferred level of risk, how well the investment portfolios have performed in the past, and the plan’s specific rules and restrictions.

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